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Khairuzzaman Liton made Awami League Presidium Member

Khairuzzaman Liton made Awami League Presidium Member

Bangladesh Awami League's Rajshahi City unit President and Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton has been nominated as the party's presedium member.

Awami League President Sheikh Hasina nominted Liton as the party's Presedium member as per the power bestwoed upon her by the Awami League's 21st National Council held on Dec 20-21, said press release on Saturday (Nov 27).

Besides, Valiant Freedom Fighter Mohammad Ali Kamal was given the charge of acting president of Rajshahi City unit of Awami League. The post became vacant as Liton has been nominated as the Awami League Presidium member.
