Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday (Nov 20) unveiled the cover of an exceptional publication titled "Moron Sagorpare Tomra Amar", written on the martyred Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and his family members in the brutal carnage on Aug 15, 1975. Bangbandhu's eldest daughter Sheikh Hasina uncovered the publication, a collection of five books, at her official residence Ganabhaban. The PM wrote the preface of the book edited by former Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique and published by Joyeeta Prokashoni.
In the preamble of the book, she said the government has been moving forward on the way of building the Sonar (golden) Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu by preventing the distortion of history. "It is very important for the new generation to know the authentic history of the Liberation War," she said.
The premier said the government has taken various initiatives in this regard. Many private institutions and organizations as well as many researchers personally are working on raising the true history of the Liberation War. "These initiatives are commendable," she said.
Sheikh Hasina said she was happy to know that a collection of five books (Moron Sagorpare Tomra Amar) on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangamata Fazilatunnesa, their three sons --Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal and Sheikh Russell, was being published.
"I applaud this initiative of handing the five books in one box to the readers at a low price. I feel this initiative will help the new generation know the correct history. I wish this collection a success," she said.
Mohammad Ali Arafat, MP, PM's Military Secretary Major General Kabir Ahammad, PM's Speechwriter Md. Nazrul Islam and Yeasin Kabir Joy of Joyeeta Prokashoni were present at the function.
There are five books titled 'Muktidata Sheikh Mujib,' 'Joytu Bangamata,' 'Bir Muktijuddha Shaheed Captain Sheikh Kamal: Alokito Taronyar Proticchobi,' 'Shaheed Lieutenant Sheikh Jamal: Taronyar Deepto Shikha,' and 'Sheikh Russel: Duronta Shaishaber Proticchobi' in the publication box.
These photographs of the publication were taken by photojournalists Golam Maula, Kamrul Huda, Alhaj Jahirul Haque, Rashid Talukder, Aftab Ahmed, Mohammad Alam, Jalaluddin Haider, Rafiqur Rahman, Lutfor Rahman, Pavel Rahman and Amiya Tarafdar.