Bangabandhu Cup Int'l Kabaddi tournament inaugurated on Monday (Mar 13) with a colorful opening ceremony held at the national volleyball stadium in the city's Paltan. Information and Broadcasting Minister and Bangladesh Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud inaugurated the twelve-team meet as the chief guest, local media reported.
Chowdhuiry Abdullah al Mamun, the president of Bangladesh Kabaddi Federation (BKF) and the Inspector General of Bangladesh Police presided over the opening program. BKF 's general secretary and additional inspector general of Bangladesh Police Habibur Rahman, federation's joint secretary and additional IG of police Gazi Mozammel Huq, were also present on the occasion.
The Information and Broadcasting minister thanked the federation for uplifting the image of the national game of Bangladesh.
"The way of Bangladesh Kabaddi Federation has expanded the horizon of Kabaddi is really laudable, twelve teams across the globe is participating in the tournament and it's a great job, I express my sincere thanks as a citizen and a member of cabinet for organizing the meet, our Prime Minister is a sports lover, she cheers every success of Bangladesh sports, I have every belief that with the time this tournament will continue to grow bigger," said Mahmud."
Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun vowed to take kabaddi to the higher stage. He said: "We are working hard to enhance the image and popularity of our national game on and off the field, this year tournament is the manifesto of our hard work and commitment, I wish all the best to the participant teams."
BKF's general secretary Habibur Rahman said this edition of Bangabandhu Cup Int'l Kabaddi is the biggest kabaddi tournament of the Kabaddi fraternity.
Cultural presentation reflecting all the twelve participant countries was hugely applauded by the capacity audience of the venue.